• Relying on the Bible and the Holy Spirit, we want to love God with everything and to share the love of Jesus with everyone.• 倚靠聖經與聖靈,竭盡一切來愛 神,並和所有人共同分享耶穌的愛。
• Helping people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and to be transformed into His likeness.• 幫助人們認識基督的救恩,生命改變,有基督的樣式。
The following eight goals are not in order of importance
以下所列出的八項目標並非按其重要性的優先次序來排列1. Evangelism/傳福音
• Creatively communicate to people in Taiwan the redemptive message of Jesus Christ. (John 3:16-17; Matthew 28:18-20)• 用具有創意的方式向住在台灣的人傳達耶穌基督的救恩。(約翰福音3:16-17;馬太福音28:18-20)
2. Discipleship/門徒訓練
• Nurture and equip believers to become more like Jesus and to exercise their gifts to serve others. (Matthew 28:18-20)• 培育、裝備信徒,讓他們能更像耶穌,並且用所領受的恩賜來服事別人。(馬太福音28:18-20)
3. Leadership Development/領袖養成
• Raise up servant-leaders who contribute to the spiritual formation of others. (2 Timothy 2:2)• 興起具有僕人精神、能對別人屬靈成長作出貢獻的教會領袖。(2 Timothy 2:2)
4. Missions/宣教
• Support and send disciples locally and globally to share the redemptive message of Jesus Christ. (John 3:16; Matthew 28:18-20)• 支援並差派門徒在本地及世界各地宣揚耶穌基督的救恩。(約翰福音3:16;馬太福音28:18-20)
5. Biblical Inner Healing, Counseling, & Deliverance/符合聖經教導的內在醫治、輔導與釋放事工
• Help people to be set free from spiritual and emotional bondage and past wounds by applying biblical truths. (Isaiah 61:1; John 8:32)• 運用聖經的真理,幫助人們從屬靈、情緒的捆綁以及過去的傷害中獲得釋放與自由。(以賽亞書 61:1;約翰福音8:32)
6. Groups/小組
• Establish caring communities of people who intentionally nurture one another's spiritual growth. (Acts 2:42-47)• 建立互相關懷的團體,能在屬靈的成長上互相扶持。(使徒行傳 2:42-47)
7. Compassion Ministries/關懷事工
• Demonstrate the love of God by meeting the practical needs of others. (Matthew 25:35-36)• 為人們提供實質上的幫助來具體表現神的愛。(馬太福音 25:35-36)
8. Church Multiplication/拓植教會
• Expand God's Kingdom by reproducing healthy churches. (Acts 11:19-26; Act 14:23)• 藉由建立更多健全的教會來拓展神的國度。(使徒行傳 11:19-26;使徒行傳14:23)
1. Life Transformation/生命轉化
• Lasting life transformation occurs only by the consistent application of the Word of God through dependence on the Holy Spirit.• 永續的生命轉化靠的是運用聖經的話語,並且倚靠聖靈的大能。
2. Intimacy with God/與 神的親密關係
•Intimacy with God is our highest calling which involves fully surrendering to Him and enjoying His presence.• 與 神之間的親密關係是我們的最高呼召,這樣的關係包含了完全降服以及享受祂的同在。
3. Humility/謙卑
• Exhibiting the heart of Jesus through servanthood and by dying to self.• 藉由僕人的樣式與治死老我來具體表現出耶穌的心。
4. Unconditional Love/無條件的愛
• Demonstrating unconditional love by loving people as God loves them.• 要愛世人就像 神愛他們一樣。
5. Authentic Community /真正有歸屬感的共同體
• Belonging to a group of people who honestly share their heart, speak the truth in love, and put each other's needs above their own.• 共同參與建立一個大家可以坦誠相對,用愛心說誠實話,並且將別人的需求看得比自己的需求更重要的團體。
Elder Jimmy Shen / 沈義發 長老
Personnel Administration 人事行政
Elder Roy Yang / 楊尚儒 長老
Elder Wen-Pin / 林文斌 長老
Elder Chris / 朴燦範 長老
Elder Hsueh-Wen Chang / 張學文 長老
Elder Roger Chuang / 莊瑤程 長老
Media Equiptments 媒體/設備
Elder James Liu / 劉祖乾 長老
English Congregation 英語牧區
Our Pastors/我們的牧師
Senior Pastor Hugo Wen / 溫健祥 主任牧師 教會造就系統 門徒造就 小組長裝備訓練
Pastor David Lin / 林懷光 牧師
Pastor David Lin was born in Taiwan and immigrated with his family to the U.S. when he was nine years old. David served at a Chinese church in Chicago for 15 years and received his Masters of Divinity from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. In 2001 he followed a long-time calling from God to return to Taiwan to serve full-time as a missionary. In 2004 he, with a few co-workers, started Bilingual Community Church in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. He and his wife Kathy have 6 children.
林懷光牧師出生於台灣,九歲時與家人移民到美國。他在芝加哥三一神學院(Trinity Evangelical Divinity school) 取得道學碩士學位, 並在芝加哥的一間華人教會服事了15年。2001年他順服了神多年來的呼召,回到台灣做全職的宣教士;2004年他和幾位同工於高雄成立了雙語社區教會(Bilingual Community Church)。牧師和師母(Kathy)有6個孩子.
Pastor Andrew Chiang / 江慕理 牧師
Pastor Andrew was born in the UK and grew up in Taiwan. He received his Masters in marketplace theology from Regent College, Vancouver and served in China for 8 years as a pastor before moving to Taiwan with his family in 2015. He serves at BCC as a full-time pastor and preaches at our discipleship service each week. He and his wife Carol have a daughter and a son.
江慕理(Andrew Chiang)牧師生於英國,在臺灣長大。他在溫哥華維真神學院(Regent College)獲得職場神學碩士學位,並在中國當了8年牧師,2015年帶家人移居臺灣。他在BCC擔任全職牧師,每週在我們的門徒訓練崇拜講道。他和妻子張彥萍育有一個女兒和一個兒子。
Pastor Thomas Wu / 吳國驊 牧師
Our Support Staff/我們的同工
Minister Maggie Chen / 陳韻茹 傳道
Minister Jessica Hsu / 許琤琪 傳道
David Chang, Secretary / 張志鵬 幹事
Christine Wang, Children's Ministry Director / 王慧婷 兒童事工總監
1. The Bible/聖經
• The Bible, all sixty-six books of the Old and New Testament, is the inspired Word of God, without error in the original writings. The Bible is the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men. It is the final authority for all Christian faith and practice (2 Tim. 3:16-17; Matt. 5:18).• 我們相信聖經中包含新、舊約的66卷經文,其原文都是 神所默示的話語,是真實無誤的。聖經完整的啟示了 神救贖人類的心意,它是基督信仰及實踐的最高權柄。(提摩太後書 3:16-17;馬太福音5:18).
2. God/神
• There is only one true, living, and personal God (Deut. 6:4) existing eternally in three co-equal Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They have the same essence and attributes. These three Persons of the Trinity are equal in power and glory, but they are different in manifestations and activities. All things are according to the Father's purpose (Rom. 11:36; 1 Cor. 8:6), placed into effect by the Son (John 1:3; Eph. 2:18; Col. 1:16), and are made known and applied by the Holy Spirit (Eph. 2:22; Eph. 3:5).• 神是具有位格的,他是真實、永活的(申命記 6:4),祂永遠以三個同等的位格存在,就是聖父、聖子、聖靈。祂們在重要性、神性、能力及榮耀等方面都是相同的,祂們只有在彰顯的樣式與活動的內容上有分別。萬事萬物都源自於天父的旨意 (羅馬書 11:36;哥林多前書 8:6),都是藉著聖子而造的 (約翰福音1:3;以弗所書2:18;歌羅西書1:16),並且透過聖靈來啟示與應用 (以弗所書2:22;以弗所書3:5)。 • God is eternal (Psalm 90:2; 1 Tim. 1:17). The triune God has always existed. He was never created nor was He co-existing with any other beings before creation. God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent (Psalm 139:7-12). He is perfect in love, and holiness, and justice (Matt. 5:48; 1 Pet. 1:15-16).
• 神是永恆的 (詩篇90:2;提摩太前書1:17),祂不是受造物,而在祂創造萬物之前也没有任何其他的生命體與祂共同存在。 神是全知、全能、無所不在的 (詩篇139:7-12),祂的愛、聖潔與公義都是完全的 (馬太福音5:48;彼得前書1:15-16)。 •God is immanent in that He is working in every human being, all of creation, and all history. God is transcendent in that He is independent of, separate from, and superior to His creation. His incommunicable attributes, i.e. attributes that are not true of created beings, are His self-existence (Ex. 3:14-15), His immutability (Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8), and His infinity. His communicable attributes, i.e. attributes that are true of created beings to some degree, are intelligence, volition, etc. (Rom. 11:33-34). God is perfect in all of His attributes.
• 神是內駐的,因為自亙古以來祂便永不止息的在所有人類以及受造物裡面進行工作; 神是超越的,因祂有別於一切受造物,獨立在一切的受造物之外,並且比一切受造物都更加尊崇。 神的某些特性是無法賦與受造物的,例如祂是自有的 (出埃及記3:14-15)、祂是永不改變的 (瑪拉基書3:6;希伯來書13:8)、祂是不受限制的;另外,祂也將自己的某些特性賦與受造物,讓他們在某種程度上也具有這些特性,例如智慧和意志等 (羅馬書11:33-34)。 神的所有神性都是完全的。
3. God the Father/聖父
• God the Father, the first Person of the Trinity who is neither begotten by nor proceeds from another, orders and disposes all things according to His own purposes. His Fatherhood involves both His designation within the Trinity and His relationship with mankind (1 Cor. 8:6).• 聖父是三位一體中的第一個位格,祂既不是被生出,也不是來自任何的源頭,祂依自己的旨意來發號施令並且統管萬有。祂為父的特性不但定位在三位一體的架構中,也展現在祂與人類之間的關係上 (哥林多前書8:6)。
4. Jesus Christ the Son/聖子耶穌基督
• Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity who is the eternally begotten Son, exists eternally and equally with God the Father and with God the Holy Spirit (Psalm 2:7; Micah 5:2; John 1:1 & 14; John 20:21). God the Father created heaven, the earth, and all that is in them through His Son, Jesus Christ, who is the sustainer of all that is in existence (John 1:3; Col. 1:15-17).• 耶穌基督是三位一體中的第二個位格,祂是永生之子,與聖父和聖靈一樣都是永存的,具有同等的地位 (詩篇2:7;彌迦書5:2;約翰福音1:1、1:14、20:21)。聖父透過聖子,也就是耶穌基督,創造了天、地以及其中的一切,萬有都是因著祂而得以維繫的 (約翰福音1:3;歌羅西書1:15-17)。
• In the incarnation, God the Son entered into humanity, by accepting all the characteristics of humanity (excluding sin and a corrupt, fallen nature) while continually existing as the eternal Second Person of the Trinity (Phil. 2:5-8; Col. 2:9; Gal. 4:4). The Son became a man without ceasing to be God. Jesus was fully God and fully man. He was born of a virgin and was tempted in all ways as a man, yet was without sin (Luke 4:1-14; Heb. 4:14-15). Jesus died on the cross for our iniquities (Eph. 2:13-18) to provide atonement for all men's sins (1 John 2:2). Although Jesus' intent was that His death was to be payment for the sins of all people, the application of the atonement is only for the elect (John 3:16; 2 Cor. 5:19). He was buried and then resurrected (1 Cor. 15:3-4). Jesus rose to heaven (Acts 1:9) and is now sitting at the right hand of the Father (Acts 7:56; Eph. 1:20).
• 在道成肉身的過程中,聖子成為人的樣式,接受了一切人類所具有的特性(但不包括了罪、敗壞以及墮落的特性),並且同時繼續以三位一體中永恆的第二個位格存在 (腓立比書2:5-8;歌羅西書2:9;加拉太書4:4)。聖子成為人並不妨礙祂同時是神的這個事實,祂是完全的人,也同時是完全的神。祂是由童貞女而生,並且遇到過一切人類會遭受的試探,但卻没有犯罪 (路加福音4:1-14;希伯來書4:14-15)。耶穌因著我們的罪而死在十字架上 (以弗所書2:13-18),為全人類所犯的罪獻上挽回祭 (約翰一書2:2)。雖然耶穌要透過祂的死,為全人類的罪付上代價,但是只有被揀選的人,他們的罪才能獲得救贖 (約翰福音3:16;哥林多後書5:19)。耶穌死後先被埋葬,接著升天 (哥林多前書15:3-4)。耶穌現在已高升到天上 (使徒行傳1:9)並且坐在天父的右邊 (使徒行傳7:56;以弗所書1:20)。
5. 聖靈/The Holy Spirit
• The Holy Spirit is the divine Third Person of the Godhead who eternally proceeds from both the Father and the Son (John 14:26; John 16:7). He possess all the attributes of deity and is co-equal with the Father and the Son (Matt. 28:19; 1 Cor. 12:4-6; 2 Cor. 13:14).• 聖靈是三位一體中的第三個位格,祂也是永存的,出自聖父與聖子 (約翰福音14:26;16:7)。祂具有所有的神性,與聖父、聖子是同等並存的 (馬太福音28:19;哥林多前書12:4-6;哥林多後書13:14)。 • In Old Testament times, the Holy Spirit was active in creation (Gen. 1:2), indwelt and equipped individuals in specific situations, and inspired revelation and prophecy. From New Testament times until the end of this age, the Holy Spirit came to convict people of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8-11), and to instruct people to all truth (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit regenerates a person with saving faith (John 3:7-8; Titus 3:5) and indwells all believers and seals them unto the day of redemption. He bears witness in all believers' hearts to salvation and sonship (Eph. 1:13-14; Rom. 8:14-15).
• 在舊約時代,聖靈在創造天地時即開始運行 (創世記1:2),祂也在某些特定的狀況下內駐在個人裡面來預備這些人,賜給他們啟示和預言。從新約開始一直到末世,聖靈來是為了要讓人能為罪、為義、為審判而自己責備自己 (約翰福音 16:8-11),並且將真理的道指示給人們 (約翰福音 16:13)。藉由得救的信,聖靈讓我們得以重生 (約翰福音 3:7-8;提多書3:5),並且內駐在所有信主的人裡面,在救贖之日成為我們得救的記號。並且與我們的心同證我們已得救,成為神的兒子 (以弗所書1:13-14;羅馬書8:14-15)。
6. Man (also Sin, Salvation, Regeneration, and Sanctification)/人類 (包括罪、救贖、重生以及成聖)
• From one man, Adam, all people came from him (Acts 17:26). Man and woman were created by God in the image of God (Gen. 1:26-27). This image is a glorious image which reflects who God is and gives each person value and dignity. But because of sin, this image is marred. Because of Adam's sin, all men and women have inherited a corrupt, fallen nature and fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23; Rom. 5:12). A person’s corrupt and fallen nature as well as his/her sins keep that person from having a relationship with God resulting in spiritual and eternal death (Rom. 6:23). Without the grace of God, every person is totally unable to remedy his/her lost condition.• 所有的人類都是由亞當而生 (使徒行傳17:26)。無論男女,所有的人都是 神按照自己的形象而造的 (創世記1:26-27)。這樣一個充滿榮光的形象反映出了 神的樣貌以及人的價值與尊嚴。但是因為罪的緣故,這個形象受到了玷污。因亞當犯了罪,所有的人類不論是男是女,都遺傳了敗壞與墮落的本性,虧缺了 神的榮耀 (羅馬書3:23、5:12)。一個人的敗壞與墮落的天性以及他的罪,讓他無法和 神建立關係,導致屬靈以及永遠的死亡 (羅馬書6:23)。若非藉著神的恩典,没有人可以用任何方式來挽救這種迷失的景況。
• God has provided mankind with both general and special revelation. General revelation is shown in creation as well as manifested in the moral conscience of man (Rom. 2:14-15). General revelation is sufficient for every person to know enough about God so that he/she will be held morally responsible for his/her own sin and disobedience (Rom. 1:19-21). Special revelation includes the written Word, i.e. the Bible, and the Living Word, i.e. Jesus Christ.
• 神提供給人類的啟示可分為一般性以及特殊性的啟示。一般性的啟示是透過受造物以及人類的道德良知來彰顯 (羅馬書2:14-15)。一般性的啟示足以讓每個人都對 神的存在有一定的認知,讓他們必須對自己的罪與不順服負上道德上的責任 (羅馬書1:19-21)。特殊性的啟示包括了用文字寫下的道,也就是聖經;還有永活的道,也就是耶穌基督。
• The death of Jesus Christ and His resurrection provide the only way for salvation for all who believe (John 3:18; 14:6; Acts 4:12) and faith in Jesus is the only means by which someone is justified before God (Galatians 2:16). When a person receives Jesus Christ as his/her personal Savior, he/she is declared righteous (2 Cor. 5:21). Each believer is born of the Spirit (John 3:8). Being born of the Spirit means being born again. This is also called regeneration (John 1:12-13; John 3:3 & 7; Titus 3:5). Upon receiving Christ into one’s life, God grants that person the right to become His child (John 1:12). Salvation is the gift of God brought to man by grace and received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ whose precious blood was shed for the forgiveness of sins (John 3:16; Eph. 2:8-10; John 1:12; Eph. 1:7).
• 耶穌基督的死與復活為所有相信的人提供了唯一稱義以及救恩的基礎 (約翰福音 3:18、14:6;使徒行傳4:12)。當一個人接受耶穌基督成為他的救主,他就因此得以稱義 (哥林多後書5:21)。每一個相信耶穌的人都是從聖靈而生的 (約翰福音3:8),從聖靈而生就能獲得新生命,也就是所謂的重生 (約翰福音 1:12-13、3:3、3:7;提多書3:5)。在一個人接受耶穌進入他的生命時, 神就賜給這個人權柄可以成為祂的孩子 (約翰福音1:12),救恩是 神透過恩典給人類的禮物,並且藉由個人在主耶穌裡的信來領受,祂的寶血是為了赦免我們的罪而流出的 (約翰福音3:16;以弗所書2:8-10;約翰福音1:12;以弗所書1:7)。
• By God's grace and power, the regenerated are in the process of being transformed to be more and more like Jesus (sanctification) as they offer themselves as living sacrifices to God (Rom. 12:1-2; 2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 8:29).
• 藉由神的恩典與大能,當重生得救的人將自己獻給神成為活祭時 (羅馬書12:1-2;哥林多後書3:18;羅馬書8:29),他們就可以經歷生命的轉化而變得越來越像耶穌 (成聖)。
7. The Church and Ordinances/本教會與教會條例
• The Universal Church (i.e. the Church Invisible) is composed of all believers past, present, and future who through saving faith in Jesus Christ have been egenerated by the Holy Spirit and united together in the body of Christ of which He is the ead (Eph. 5:23; Col. 1:18). Every regenerated person is a member of Christ's body (Eph. 4:4-6; 1 Cor. 12:12-31). The local churches are gatherings of believers to worship and serve God and to fellowship together. There may be individuals in this gathering of people in the local church (i.e. the visible church) who are not yet regenerated by the Holy Spirit and therefore not truly saved and not part of the Universal Church.• 普世教會 (無形的教會)是由過去、現在以及未來所有的信徒所組成,這些人透過在耶穌裡得救的信由聖靈獲得重生,並且在基督的身體裡聯合,基督是這個教會的頭 (以弗所書5:23;歌羅西書1:18)。每一個重生得救的人都是這個身體所屬的肢體 (以弗所書4:4-6;哥林多前書12:12-31)。地方教會是信主的人聚在一起敬拜、服事神並且享受彼此交通的地方。聚集在地方教會 (有形的教會)的人,可能有些人還没有透過聖靈獲得重生,這些人並没有真正得救,他們並不屬於普世教會的一部分。
• Water baptism and the Lord's Supper are the ordinances to be observed by the Church during the present age. Jesus instituted believers’ baptism. Water baptism is a sign of a believer to identify with Christ's death, burial, and resurrection (Rom. 6:3-4). It is also a public witness to one's allegiance to Jesus Christ. Baptism by immersion is what the New Testament seems to prescribe, although baptism by sprinkling is acceptable under special circumstances.• 水的洗禮與主的晚餐是現今教會應遵守的條例,洗禮象徵的是信主的人與基督同死、同埋葬並且一同復活 (羅馬書6:3-4),它也是一個人宣示忠心於主基督的公開見證。根據新約的描述,受洗應該要採用浸水禮,但在特殊的情形下,點水禮也是可以接受的。
• The Lord's Supper was established by our Lord Jesus Christ when He was still on earth (Matt. 26:26-28). He used bread and wine to signify His broken body and His blood shed for all sinners (1 Cor. 11:23-31). The believer who participates in the Lord's Supper is remembering Jesus' death and is looking forward to the future coming of our Lord (Matt. 6:29; 1 Cor. 11:23-26). It also serves as a reminder that Jesus is always with His own (Matt. 28: 20b).• 主的晚餐是主耶穌基督還在地上時所設立的 (馬太福音26:26-28),祂用餅和酒來代表祂的身體為罪人而破碎,祂的寶血為罪人而流出 (哥林多前書11:23-31)。參與主的晚餐的信徒是為要記念耶穌的死,並且期待祂的再來 (馬太福音6:29;哥林多前書11:23-26),同時它也提醒了我們主耶穌永遠與屬祂的人同在 (馬太福音28:20b)。
8. The End and Everlasting/末日(萬物的結局)以及永恆的狀態
• The Bible teaches the personal and imminent coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (Rev. 1:7; 1 Pet. 4: 7). In the first coming, Jesus came as a suffering servant. In His second coming, Jesus will judge believers for rewards (1 Cor. 3:10-15; 2 Cor. 5:10). God will condemn all unbelievers during the judgment at the Great White Throne (Rev. 20:11-15).• 聖經告訴我們主耶穌再來的日子近了 (啟示錄1:7;彼得前書4:7)。在主第一次來到世上時,祂是以一個受苦僕人的樣式出現,當祂再來時,祂將會是審判官的身份。在那時,相信祂的人要得奬賞 (哥林多後書5:10),不信的人要被定罪。
• There will be a bodily resurrection of the dead -- of believers to everlasting blessedness with the Lord and of unbelievers to everlasting conscious punishment apart from God (2 Thess. 1:7-9; Rev. 20:15).• 已死的人將會經歷肉身的復活,信徒將會與主一起,受到永恆的祝福;不信的人將會受到與神隔絶的永遠刑罰 (帖撒羅尼迦後書1:7-9;啟示錄20:15、22:15) 。
Sunday Services: 9:00AM & 10:45AM
Church Address: No.157(B1), Mingren Rd., Sanmin Dist., Kaohsiung City
主日禮拜:每週日早上9:00 和 10:45
Church Office: 07-3483755
E-mail: bilingualchurch@gmail.com
屏東分堂 / PingTung Branch
成人與兒童禮拜:每週日早上10:45 Every Sunday
分堂地址:屏東市中正路197-6號2樓 2F., No. 197-6, Zhongzheng Rd., Pingtung City
分堂E-mail: bilingualchurchpt@gmail.com